Open Day at La Trobe


Open Day at La Trobe’s main (Bundoora) Campus is on this Sunday (30 August). I’ll be on hand at the School of Economics and Finance exhibit, and giving a scheduled talk about our programmes. Feel welcome to join us, as there’s lots of fantastic activities on campus.

I’ve been doing Open Day in this capacity since I joined here in 1997, and it’s changed ever so much. Once, it seemed to be necessary chore to appear ‘open’ to the community. Now, it’s seen as one of the most valuable opportunities we have to attract new students. As such, the resources put into it have grown, and it has gone from a backyard operation to a slick, professionally-run event in just those dozen years.

Lutz Kilian Seminar


We were honoured to have our School of Economics and Finance seminar given today by Lutz Kilian (University of Michigan). Professor Kilian is one of the top marcoeconomists in the business, and today’s presentation was from his stable of papers focusing on oil prices. A real pleasure to have such a fine seminar at La Trobe by someone of that immense calibre.